Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Day 3 in Belize

Today was another great day!  The students were able to finish constructing the walls of the library.  The library now has all four walls up!  Tomorrow, the students will finish bracing the walls and get the rafters assembled.  Then the adults will put the rafters up.  The students are doing great with setting goals and achieving them everyday.  After the walls were set up, the kids had a chance to interact with the students at St. Jude School.  The kids either played soccer, tag, or tried to fly a kite.  Believe it or not, their has been a breeze and clouds while we have been here.  This has made the weather more bearable than in years past.  
After lunch, we went to the Jaguar Preserve to go tubing down the river.  One of our guides, Peter, was able to tell us all about the wildlife along the river and along our hike to the river.  While on the river, the students also worked in groups to rescue Peter and myself.  All in all, the kids had fun and learned a lot about leadership.


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