Wednesday, March 28, 2012

From Bradley

Hey Genna and Clayton! I guess you aren’t actually reading this, so mom, force them to. It is really really really hot here in Belize, so we always work in the morning and even then it is really hot. There is a small kid here named Marroquin, and he is always around, asking for toys before we hand them out and generally being cute. The wind here on mainland Belize is almost nil and I can’t fly kites. No snakes or scorpions yet, but there have been plenty of tarantulas and they always hang out near our paths and doors making walking at night a little dangerous. Been looking at some of the things Marroquin’s mother sells. There are a lot of herbal remedies for insect bites and sunburn but the best is 100%, homemade cacao bean powder. 
We also went tubing today in some small river. The water was barely 3 inches deep sometimes and gravel soon populated my pockets. Well, gotta wrap this up. Mom, MAKE THEM READ THIS.
Miss you guys.


Anonymous said...

Dear Bradley, we are having fun in Tennessee, but we really miss you. We went fishing yesterday and had lots of bites, but no fish. We are visiting lots of relatives and the weather is beautiful. We met a really nice dog yesterday that looked just like Oscar. Can't wait to hear about your trip when you get back. We will meet you at the airport.

See you soon.

Genna and Clayton

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